Happy New Year 2011!!! We made it through another year and with a brand new addition to the family! Baby Alex Victor Cardoso! He made his grand appearance this year (well last year since it is now 2011 but you know what I mean). Hes my little "Coo Bear" and ray of sunshine!
2010 was definitely the year of Alex. He was conceived in late January and has made his presence known ever since day one. The whole pregnancy was a battle but a war worth fighting for. In the end I was blessed with such a healthy, handsome, wonderful baby boy and I couldn't be happier.
I wonder what this year will bring? Lots of adventures that's for sure. I can't wait to see what they are. Till then I am going to sit back and enjoy my little one to the max, because I have learned through raising Mia... time never slows down but instead speeds up faster and faster with each passing year. Before I know it my kids will be all grown up!
JANUARY: (1 month pregnant)
We conceived our little man, after TONS of planning, on Jan. 25th in Las Vegas while celebrating (late) our 3 year anniversary. Though I did not get my pregnancy confirmation yet, the sickness started to kick in towards the end of the month
FEBRUARY: (2 months pregnant)We got our pregnancy confirmation (Feb. 6th). Cravings started to kick in, my first being grapefruit (something I NEVER liked before), and I loved BEANS!. As for sweets (especially chocolate) they started making me sick and morning sickness started kicking in BAD. I had lots of anxiety about losing the baby, especially since I was getting lots of cervical and uterine pain so I took it really slow for awhile. We broke the pregnancy news to the Grandparents and my brother and sister-in-law. My super sense of smell also kicked in this month.
MARCH: (3 months pregnant)We finally got to see our little man for the first time via ultra-sound and heard/saw his heart beat. The sickness came in full force where I became so nonfunctional with Mia we had to recruit my Dad's help. He spent one week with us here at the house and then I spent a week (with Mia) up in Oxnard. The sickness got so bad I no longer could eat anything nor did I crave anything anymore. I was eventually prescribed medicine to help with the sickness and I took it (it didn't help much) I also resorted to eating preggy pops and using sea bands.. I was desperate! I felt my first baby flutters. Jicama cravings kicked in, it helped keep me hydrated since water made me sick. When I could eat food I would turn to red meat. I started to show and get ligament pain. Lemons started becoming my new craving and I loved to drink Paul Newman's lemonade. The tiredness really started to kick in.
APRIL: (4 months pregnant)I threw up for the first time (and so not the last during this pregnancy), and I started my 2nd trimester. The meat craving was in full force and I was making Adrian cook me hamburgers and carne asada almost every day! I finally started having "good" non-sick days but the sickness was still pretty bad when it hit. We got to see the little baby via ultra sound again and this time we saw him sucking his thumb. I could no longer sleep on my back and I noticed I was carrying the baby low compared to Mia. Adrian felt the baby for the first time "vibrating" haha My hyper sense of smell was becoming my downfall since everything was making me gag and sick. My heart arrhythmia's started to really kick in and so did my emotional roller coaster mood swings.
MAY: (5 months pregnant)The ligament pain started to really kick in and had to resort to wearing a pregnancy belt. The sickness FINALLY started getting better and tolerable. The baby flutters graduated to kicks and I felt my first outside kick! (may 18th (18 weeks)) The pineapple craving kicked in. I also discovered the Hot Mama pickle! The heart arrhythmia's got so bad I had to be seen by the doctor. I loved apples and crave salts and veggies. The baby loved to sit on my bladder so I was a peeing machine. We found out the baby is a BOY! We broke the news to the family about having the first Grandson! I started getting stomach cramps along the belly.
JUNE: (6 months pregnant)We both like the name "Alex" but what version of his name was a battle, Alejandro Victor, Victor Alejandro? Alex? I fell in love with nectarines! He started doing more summer salts and becoming more active. Indigestion started kicking in. I went into a Bacon frenzy for awhile. His kicks became harder and more noticeable. I got my first pregnancy cold and it was awful!
JULY: (7 months pregnant)I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and put on a strict diet... no more craving indulgence for me. The dizziness and shortness of breath really kicked in hard this month. I started getting the stomach pain since he always sat on a nerve and made walking unbearable. I started my 3rd trimester! Braxton hicks started kicking in. My belly button popped out. Hip and lower back pain kicked in. I still LOVED pineapples! He received his first baby gift from his Auntie Lauren and Uncle Jay and Cousins. We were still going back and forth on names. I was so exhausted all the time and my belly started to become HUGE! The baby was becoming more active and likes to push rather than kick.
AUGUST: (8 months pregnant)I finally got my gestational diabetes under control and I felt better and less dizzy. He was becoming so active he woke me up at night. We finally settle on "Alex" as a name. I took tummy pictures at the pond. We registered for the baby showers. I started to get nervous about the impending birth. I started getting more stomach cramps on the side. I started losing weight. The tiredness really kicked in again. I loved rice pudding and zucchinis. I got my first stretch mark for this pregnancy. I started getting more and more contractions. The "stomach" cramp started to get REALLY REALLY bad! We had another ultra sound so we got to see our little man again. We got our c-section date moved to 10-10-10! The baloney craving really hit hard! I finally finished his baby blanket.
SEPTEMBER: (9 months pregnant)I still loved baloney! though I craved pancakes and a milkshake (both I couldn't have due to my diet) I was short of breath BAD now. We had our first baby shower in Oxnard. The heart arrhythmia's slowed down finally. Sleep was getting harder and harder to get due to being so big and uncomfortable. I was getting more and more lower back pain. His first Halloween costume came in the mail (Superman). I became FULL TERM! The cervical pain started up again. We had the Cardoso babyshower in San Diego.
OCTOBER: (HES BORN)I was getting more contractions. I still loved nectarines. I had my final check up! ALEX WAS BORN! He
had jaundice for a couple of weeks but finally got over it, he got his first present from his Big Sister (a flower sticker on his hand), he had his first bath in the baby tub. Mama took him ALONE to a check up for the first time (TWICE). He drank from his first bottle (so far only had 3 since he was born), he is VERY picky about his binky's he only likes 1 type, a blue one from NUK, we have tried others but he rejects them. He had a LONG visit with his Grandpa Pizano and later Grandma Rebecca. He watched his first World Series and his team WON! GO GIANTS! He is a peeing machine, though now Mama and Daddy are getting wise on what to watch out for before it happens... but yes we still get peed on at times. He had trouble with the newborn size Huggies (too big) and Pampers (darn exploding crystals), he graduated to size 1 diapers (pampers only so far). He had numerous poopie blow outs .. YUCK He got his name T-Rex from the way he insists on keeping his hands close to his chin and together. His belly button fell off. He took pictures at a studio with his Big Sister Mia, He went to the pumpkin patch for the first time. He celebrated his first Halloween. He Trick-or-Treated at the mall for the first time, he pooped on his Grandpa Pizano, we had our first family outing to a restaurant. He took a bath in the sink (didn't go so well and won't happen again! haha). He smiled while awake for the first time. He LOVES to sleep in his boppie, and went shopping with Mama for the first time (ALONE) and to Babies R Us
NOVEMBER: (1 month)

Grandpa had two long visits this month and really gets to bond with him and his sister. He pooped on Grandpa for a second time! and Daddy for more time than I can count. He graduated to size 2 diapers.He graduated to size 3-6 clothes. Grandpa got to feed him a bottle at night (only the second person to ever feed him a bottle). He went from eating 2oz in a bottle to 4.5, he finally stopped having green poop.I had my final baby check-up.He still has blue eyes. Hes becoming more interactive now and is really bonding with Mama. Mia loves to share with him now. He "plays" in the baby mat and with toys. He developed cradle cap but I managed to get rid of it, along with some hair! OH NO! He had his first cry-free bath,he has experienced our first real cold spell and got congested because of it, he started cooing and smiling, he calls out for me when I walk away, he only sleeps well in his boopie. He stopped extending the period of time between feedings (OH NO!) He is responding to Mia ALOT with cooing and smiling. He celebrated his first Thanksgiving
DECEMBER: (2 months)

Experienced his first major growth spurt which had me feeding him ALL the time. He got the name "Coo Bear" from his Mama. I was able to pump 7oz in one sitting one night. He had his first trip to the park. He had his first trip to the Outlets. He greets me with a smile every morning (well almost every morning).He had his first "in home" photo session with a photographer. He is attempting to roll on his side and finally became successful in doing so. He met Santa for the first time and took a picture with him. We got our first Christmas Tree as a family of 4! He developed exzcema. He is sleeping longer at night. He had his two month check up and his first round of shots. He had another photo session. He laughed for the first time. He watched his big sister Mia decorate the Christmas tree. He celebrated his first Christmas Eve with the Cardoso family in San Diego. He took his first San Diego trip. He celebrated his first Christmas. He loves to stare at his hand. He now sucks his two fingers (just like his big sister only he uses his left hand). He celebrated his first New Years Eve and went to Rosa's Cafe for the first time.
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