Friday, January 7, 2011

Gearing up for another growth spurt?

Ugh... it seems like he just went through a growth spurt but I think we are on the brink of another one. I say Ugh, not because of him... I enjoy seeing my little man grow and develop... Its me! Growth spurt = cluster feeding aka hungry baby 24/7. Last time I didn't know it was a growth spurt and I nearly lost my mind trying to keep up with him. Luckily I survived that and we didn't have to turn to formula.

Now he is showing signs of it again. Hes an eating machine and refuses to go longer than a couple of hours during the day to feed. On the other hand, he is sleeping alot more at night and during the evening. His awake time has also shrunk... I think he total awake time yesterday was only 5 hours out of the day!

Today he has been uncharacteristically fussy and nothing seems to make him happy other than eating.. and eating... and eating some more. So I think he is on the brink of another growth spurt.

I looked online to see when babies have their growth spurts and it said at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months. Alex will be 3 months on Sunday so looks like hes right on track.

So I guess I better gear up and prepare for battle yet again.... hopefully it won't last a week like it did last time. Wish us luck!

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