I did it to Mia, and now its Alex's turn. Time to toss aside the diaper and takes some baby nakey pics! haha I don't know what it is about nakey babies but they are so cute! Especially mine! I know Mia and Alex will KILL me when they grow up and find out about the photos but I don't care. I am their Mama and I can do what I want. Besides I am sure they will do the exact same thing to their kids when they have them.
Though it is still a bit too early to take good nakey baby pictures of Alex, since he is still so little and not a chunky baby, I didn't care. I was changing his clothes and diaper then decided, why not? Mia was taking a nap with Daddy so I had the living room all to myself.
I threw our soft blanket on our couch and busted out my camera and started the photo shoot! haha Alex was doing very well, however, the pictures didn't quite come out the way I would like. For some reason the camera made him look a bit off balance... like if his head was huge and his body was deflated. Oh well... however, I did get one good picture that I just had to post here. I know Alex will kill me for posting it but I have to be fair since I posted bootie bun pictures of Mia at his age as well! haha
Oh ya, and yes he ended up peeing on the blanket and that ended our shoot! Sigh... BOYS!
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