Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bye Bye Newborn Napper... Hello Big Boy Bed

Today is a sad but happy day for me. Today is the day that Alex offically retires his newborn Napper! I know! My little man is growing up way to fast! That was his last little newborn thing he still used... and now its gone....

Hes a big boy now and is going to sleep in his play pen like a big boy. I would have transfered him to the crib but its still in Mia's room and she has laid claim to it. So I am going to wait until after we move before I put him in it and take it away from Mia.

Well we will see how his nap and bedtime goes in his big boy bed... eeek! Also I found out where all his hair went on the back of his head! haha I had to take a picture of that!

********** UPDATE ****************

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