Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's official Alex can Roll Over!!!!

He did it! He did it!! He did it and completely on his OWN too!!! I know last week he managed to get from his back to his tummy but I didn't feel right truly counting it since she launched off my knee a bit to give him leverage. Today, however, he did it completely unassisted!! and more than once.. more than twice... he did it 3 times! I am so excited and so proud of him!!!

Hes been trying to get onto his tummy for awhile now, however, only recently have I been noticing hes been aggressively trying to roll over. He makes it to his side easily but trying to get onto his tummy was the hard thing. I saw him trying and struggling with it yesterday and more so this morning when I had him laying on the ground. He would push, and grunt and try so hard but could never make it from his side to his tummy. I keep encouraging him and he would keep trying until he would finally get frustrated and give up and cry.

So later in the afternoon while Mia was still upstairs with her Daddy I had Alex laying on the floor again. He started trying again, grunting and struggling. I keep encouraging him and he kept screaming in delight. It was the cutest thing. Eventually he finally made it all the way over!! I was so shocked and so happy and so was he! He really started screaming with delight. I was beaming with pride, he did it wearing a jammie sack too!!! which I think would make things harder!

I quickly grabbed the camera and rolled him back over and sure enough he did it again!! and I got to capture it on video. Though the video is a bit long since it took a bit of encouraging, he still did it! I am so proud of my little man. He is growing up so fast!!!

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