Thursday, January 13, 2011

Not a horribly bad day

Well I made it through the day ok. It started off promising but about mid-day I ran into milk problems again. Luckily Alex was semi-satisfied so I was still able to put him down for a nap. Good thing I thought ahead and gave him a nice warm bath before feeding him so he was pretty worn out, not to mention that he had a horrible crying fit moments before that lasted a good 30 mins.

So what now? I don't know I am still uneasy about this whole milk situation. I find myself dreading feed times because I never know if it will be good or chaos again. It is pretty nerve wracking. Hopefully his growth spurt will be over or my milk will kick back in. I've been trying everything, even eating more which isn't too good for my weight loss goals. Ah well... I gotta do what I gotta do right?

Hopefully tomorrow will be better than today.

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