Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Poopie Scare

I never thought I would actually WANT Alex to poop, but I soon found myself... checking, wishing, and hoping for one. Why do you ask? Well for the first time since he was born he not only skipped a whole day of pooping but TWO days!! I was really starting to worry about him. Not sure what caused it, usually only formula fed babies get constipated. I haven't really changed my eating habits so not really sure what brought it on. He seemed ok though, he was his normal cooing self, although he was farting alot. All I know is that I was going to give him one more day before contacting his doctor. Luckily though, Adrian woke me up last night to feed him and he let me know he went poopies! YAY!!!

I guess I will continue to keep a close watch on him and his diaper. Hopefully whatever it was, passed.

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