Monday, January 10, 2011

Alex LOVES his Oatmeal Baths

I have been trying EVERYTHING to help with Alex's eczema and I think I finally nailed a remedy that works for him. Oatmeal baths and special Aveeno eczema cream. His skin is finally slowly getting back to the baby soft it once was, without all the dryness, redness and irritations. Now all I have to do is work on his pimple problem (which came from all the different thick creams I was trying on him to help with the eczema). Now that I use a very mild cream, even his acne has started to lessen.. YAY! and the best part of all is he LOVES his oatmeal baths!

Today he finally learned how to splash around in the tub and Oh My Goodness water was EVERYWHERE! I was practically taking an oatmeal bath right along with him! He enjoyed it so much and had so much fun kicking and punching the water I let him play as long as he wanted too. He did good too until the water started getting cold then he wanted out.

So I am very happy to have finally found something that seems to be working for him that is not really harsh at all.

Oh ya and if you don't know what an oatmeal bath is .... no you don't pour quaker oats in the bath with him (haha Adrian thought thats what I meant) no no no no, its a special type of oats that come in a package made for baths that helps with itching and rashes. You pour it in the water when your filling up the tub and it mixes in. I really like the stuff. It not only smells good (he comes out smelling like an oatmeal cookie! haha) but it makes his skin extra soft. Hmmm..... maybe I will use some on myself! haha

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