Saturday, January 22, 2011

15 Weeks

Wow!!! Can you believe my little guy is 15 weeks old!!!!

Well this week was loaded with tons and TONS of new things, new memories, and new adventures. Thankfully we all survived that horrible growth spurt that consumed all of week 13! So week 14 was much MUCH better! Hes back to his old Coo-Bear self, however, he does still get pretty cranky at times.

The feedings have gotten better, however, he is starting to cluster feed again and I have noticed he likes to comfort nurse too! Which in other words use me as a pacifier! UGH! I know him being there does help my supply but still, I have a busy busy schedule to tend too (especially because of his big sister Mia) and I can't always just hang out as long as he wants to until he puts himself to sleep there! haha So that has been our new challenge.

I also finally found the right combo for fighting his ezcema. Though it still comes back even with all the treatments, its not nearly as bad. So what do I have to do? Well I have to bath him everyday but if I can't every other day (I have noticed by day two of a skipped bath it comes back BAD), and all his baths are Aveeno Oatmeal baths, with Aveeno special shampoo, and afterwards he gets loaded down with Aveeno Ezcema cream and if he has a spot then hydrocortison. Phew! Thats alot of stuff, but its the only remedy I can find that isn't to harsh on his skin or makes him break out to bad (though he still does)

Since his mood finally perked up, I thought I deserved a fun costume day with him. So I dig out Mia's old chicken outfit and put it on him. I had so much fun taking pictures of him and he liked it too, he smiled so much and cooed like crazy. I can't wait to dress him up again.

He is also really enjoying baby toys now and goes nuts in his floor mat. He will literally spin a 180 around his toys as he grabs at them and pulls them. I am so happy that he can finally entertain himself. He is getting really good at grabbing at things too, just not so happy when that thing is my shirt or hair! haha

We also took him to our favorite place in all of Riverside County... the Temecula Duck Pond!!! and Pat and Oscars. He did so well too! He hung out in his car seat the entire time we ate and afterwards I pushed him around the pond. We all had lots of fun. I hope we can make it back one last time before we move so I can take him out of the stroller this time.

A HUGE adventure happened this week. Mia, Alex and myself took a solo trip to the Emu Farm down the road from our house!!!! I KNOW! I am insane!!! NEVER AGAIN! Though the trip turned out to be a disaster... it was a fun disaster and Alex seemed to enjoy himself... when he wasn't sleeping through everything. He also rode the stroller sitting up for the first time! What a big boy!

Speaking of big boys! He can wear 9 month old clothes!!!!!! WHAT?!?!?! I know!!!!!! Infact hes wearing 9 month old jammies as we speak and they fit him perfect!!!!! UGH! My little guy won't be little much longer!

He also found his feet this week! He loves to pull them up to his hands, grab at them and play with them. Its the cutest thing, especially when hes barefooted.

Well its finally happening. He is losing his baby blue eyes and replacing them slowly with grey/hazel eyes. I know his eyes will turn hazel because that is the color that is around the iris of his eye and its slowly consuming his eye. Though it was fun to have a blue eyed baby for awhile, I still think he will look very cute with hazel eyes as well.

He also did another first... he took his first nap with Mama in my bed! Though it was short lived and only lasted 20mins it was so nice and sweet!

Well I need to get going. We are going on a HUGE adventure in a few... we are making our very first trip to Oxnard to see my Brother and his family! EEEEK! Wish us luck!

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