Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rolling on his side?!?!?!!?

I have noticed this for a few days now. At first it didn't catch my attention since so much is always going on around me, but yesterday (and especially this morning) I have really realized something. He is trying to roll on his side and can almost do it!!!

This is AMAZING! Babies his age cannot do this for another couple of months or so, but since Alex has demonstrated this more than once I really think its intentional!!!

When laying flat on his back (especially on firm surfaces like our firm couch or the floor) I notice that he will lean his body over and sort of get on his side! He does it alot when I walk away from him and he wants to see me, or when hes trying to feed. He can remain in this semi-side position for a long time too!

I am just in shock! My little boy is already showing signs of growing up to fast!!!

(the picture above was taken yesterday when he was on the ottoman with Mia. I helped him a little bit but he did the rest... it wasn't until later did I realize that he can almost fully get on his side now without help!)

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