Mission Accomplished

Current Mood: Tired
Mia got to meet Santa again today and this time she took pictures with him. She did see Santa yesterday and based on her reaction we weren't sure how she would act for her pictures. Surprisingly it went better than we both expected. It was also Alex's first meeting with Santa and we weren't sure how that would go but it really went well, he didn't cry once! YAY!
We decided to have the kids take their Santa pictures at the Outlets this year instead of the usual mall for a few reasons. One, it was way less crowded and no lines, it was cheaper which meant they both could get their own pictures AND you got more one on one time with Santa which is priceless. So after Mia took her nap and Alex was fed I dressed them both up and off to the outlets we all went.
At first we didn't think we would make it! Santa leaves at 6 and it was already 5! Suddenly the car started acting up! OH NO! It started to make this horrible tapping sound and we had to pull over and check it out. We never did find what was causing it but it soon stopped. I really didn't want to postpone the trip especially since Mia was all excited about seeing Santa and both were all dressed up. So we pressed on and made it to the outlet mall on time... phew.....
As soon as we hit the parking lot Mia started talking about Santa again and was getting all excited. Alex on the other hand was knocked out in his car seat. He was all tucked out from all the screaming and crying he did while we were driving.
Once we got them off the car we headed to the Santa area. Mia was so excited to see him again but soon clammed up just like yesterday once we walked in the door. OH NO! We were the only ones in there so Santa came to the door to greet us. Mia just stared at him, no expression just stared. Santa tried so hard to get her to warm up to him, asking her for high fives (which she did.. reluctantly) gave her a hug and talked to her. He even showed her his special key and told her he would tell her a story of why the key was so special after her pictures. Mia still stared...
Then they set up for the picture. Right away Mia didn't want to look at Santa or the camera. She didn't cry but she didn't look happy. Santa still tried to get her to warm up, he even started to tickle her but nothing worked. Adrian and I tried to get her to cheer up but she still refused... finally when Santa started talking about the candy she would get she FINALLY started to smirk a bit and warm up. All the while the photographer was snapping TONS of pictures. When we finally captured one I liked we stopped. While the picture was being processed, Santa kept to his promise and told Mia the story about his special key. Unfortunately, I was getting Alex ready for his pictures that I didn't get to hear the story or watch them but from what I could see Mia was listening... somewhat. He then started to ask her what she liked and how old she was (he thought she was 3!) what her favorite color was and stuff and eventually Mia started to open up and bit and talk. She told him she likes "Princesses" and said some other things that I couldn't hear. It was really cute. Then Santa gave her a candy cane and she was on her way.
Next up was her brother! Alex did really well though the hardest thing was to get his attention away from all the decorations and to look at the camera. Eventually he looked at the camera only after Mama nearly did a summer salt in front of the camera in order to get him to look that way. He semi smirked but only for an instant. I was trying so hard to grab his attention and NOT to get into the picture! Overall, It was so cute to see him with his very first visit with Santa!
Alex's pictures didn't take long and soon we were done. I put Alex back in his car seat and dressed Mia in her jacket. She was still munching on her candy and talking all about Santa, but still refused to look his way or talk to him. After paying for our pictures Santa walked us out the door. He still talked to Mia but she refused to respond and started to stare at him again. Alex was awake but not to happy either so we quickly left.
We visited the giant Christmas tree outside for a bit then back into the car we went. The whole experience was very quick and was over in record time, compared to the mall. I am very happy with the outcome and the pictures came out great. Most of all, I am so happy that Mia really got to see Santa and talk to him. It was perfect! I can't wait till next year and see what new stories and adventure we will have!
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