Saturday, December 18, 2010

10 weeks

Hello everyone! Ugh.. I am sick... noooooooooo! and whats worse is that I cannot take any medicine for it because I feed Alex.. NOOOO! So needless to say I am DYING! So this blog is going to be short and sweet so I can get back on the couch and attempt to rest.

This week held many firsts for Alex. He not only went with us to get a Christmas tree for the first time but he went the longest period of time between feedings this week!!! YAY! I almost reached a full 8 hours, pretty crazy huh? I have noticed slowly that he has been sleeping longer at night.. THANK GOODNESS!!!!! and I am getting happier and happier with each passing day. Soon maybe, just maybe we will get on some sort of schedule.

Some bad things also happened this week. Not only did I get sick but I have been struggling with my milk supply ALL week! Its getting so bad that I cannot pump and make a supply since I barely make his needs. This is really bad today and tomorrow since usually I have the weekends off while Adrian feeds him a bottle but I can't this weekend because I have no extra supply. Great... so no extra rest for me this week... bummer. I hope I can recover soon.

Also, he was supposed to get his 2 month check up but when we got there they couldn't see him due to coverage issues. UGH! AGAIN! Luckily we got it all cleared up and he will be seen on Monday. Poor little guy is going to get his first round of shots... I am not looking forward to that at all!

Another bad thing is he officially has ezcema now just like his Mama, Dada and Sister. The curse lives on. He started to get it on his cheek and luckily the hydrocortisone cleared most of it up. His legs are another story, they are COVERED in rough skin. I am trying to get a handle on it but nothing seems to be working. It is also breaking out on his wrists now too. Poor little guy, we will see what the doctor says on Monday.

One very cute thing happened this week. Mia actually went to console him while he was crying. They were sitting on her Elmo chair together and when Alex started to cry, Mia quickly jumped into action. She gently hugged him, patted him on the back and attempted to comfort him. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen and I am so happy I caught it on video.

Well like I said, I feel really terrible so I am going to go rest now... night night

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