Friday, December 31, 2010

Alex's First Trip to Rosa's

We made it! Phew I wasn't sure how it was going to go but to my surprise it went extremely well... better than I could have ever hoped for! What I am talking about is, Alex's very first trip to Rosa's Cafe Restaurant in Temecula.

We have been planning for a couple of weeks now, to go out to eat and celebrate Adrian passing his test. Unfortunately, the first weekend after passing I was sick, the second weekend was the holidays and this weekend is another holiday... so we planned on going on Friday of this week.

I still had to pick up Mia's photos at Sears in Temecula so we decided to go to Rosa's Cafe since it was near the mall. So after Mia's nap I got the kids dressed and off we went on our adventure.. the four of us. We have not gone out (other than Alex's doctor's appointment) as a family since Alex was only a few weeks old. Alex did very well in the car, other than some usual crying for being in the car seat (he hates it) and Mia was in a pretty good mood too.

We hit Sears first and picked up the photos. Alex was awake but very quiet and good. I pushed him in the stroller as Mia followed by foot. All we had to do was pick up the pictures so it didn't take very long before we were back in the car. We then drove to Rosa's down the road a bit. That is when the kids started showing signs of melting down. Mia was complaining about her hat on her head and Alex just got fussy out of no where. We debated on whether we should just use the drive thru or get off at all. The choice was mine, and I decided to gamble a bit and opted to get down and eat inside. I was afraid of regretting my decision later but I didn't know when the next time we would be out like that so I took a chance.

By the time we pulled up to the restaurant Alex was literally screaming. Adrian took Mia down off the car and I got Alex. Instead of bringing him down in his car seat I decided just to pull him out and carry him inside. Like magic as soon as his little body left the car seat he was content and stopped crying. We all ran inside since it was so COLD out side. I held Alex in my arms and he was happy. We ordered our food and found a seat.

Alex did so well the ENTIRE time there!!!! Though I did have to hold him, I didn't need to cradle him. I sat him up with me and he just looked around and waited quietly for us to finish our meal. He didn't make a peep though towards the end he did start to get a bit figity. I was so happy and so proud of my little man. He gave me hope for future outings for sure! Mia did good too and we all ate as a family at one of our favorite places to eat in all of Riverside.

Once we were done we all packed up again and I carried Alex out to the car. He actually fell asleep in my arms from the short distance walk. I was shocked. However, once I got him back in the car seat he blew up again and screamed on the ride home. Oh well....

Overall the dinner was awesome! I am so happy it worked out so well... he was so good! Unfortunately, I cannot say the same on how hes acting now. Hes been so fussy since we got home... ah well. I still prefer him to be fussy at home rather than when we are out and about.

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