Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Current mood: Accomplished

Merry Christmas Everyone!!! We did it! Christmas was a success!!! The kids loved their gifts and we loved the gifts to each other. Overall the day was great, I love my little family!

The day started early with Alex waking up first. From the moment he woke up he was all smiles and happy (which is unusual prior to eating breakfast). I think he knew it was Christmas and he was going to get presents! haha I spend some quality time with him, fed him then had a quick photo session with him under the Christmas tree. When he grew tired of posing for pictures we went upstairs to wake up Daddy.

I dropped Alex off with Daddy while I got Mia. She had already been awake for awhile so she was all excited to see me. When I told her Santa came and she had presents to open, she couldn't get out of her room fast enough. I then took her to our room so she could join Alex and Daddy. She didn't want to stick around, right away she kept saying "open presents" and wanted to go downstairs. So I grabbed Alex, set him up near the tree then busted out the cameras as Daddy took Mia down the stairs to see the tree.

Once Mia saw the presents under the tree she got all excited and went right for them. She started ripping up presents (that weren't even hers!) before we could stop her. I wanted to get a few pictures of her next to her brother under the tree but that didn't happen. When I realized there was no stopping the present monster I just let her have at it.

We opened presents as a family and Mia had a blast. She was our present opener and actually opened every ones presents for them, mine, Daddy's and even Alex's. No one minded though, we loved watching her light up and get excited with everyone of them.... even if they weren't for her. I never seen a 2 year old get so excited over a knife set before! haha

Daddy was excited about his presents which included a hard drive docking station, anti-static bands and SF Giants World Series Champs Shirt with matching hat. I was excited about mine as well, I got a comal so I can make tortillas better, rice cooker, quesadilla griller, Ginsu knife set and a neck massager! Everything I wanted and asked for! Alex got cars and toys and Mia got TONS of princess things including princess shoes, a princess kitchen set, and the full set of 7 princesses. She was in princess heaven! She also got an electric drum set too!

After the presents were all opened it was time for stockings. Mia made out with all kinds of little toys and one of her favorite being glow sticks. Alex did too, and Mia helped him open his stocking for him. He did really good and didn't get fussy at all, although towards the end he pooped and stunk up the tree but luckily Christmas was already over by then.

After present time, we all played with our new toys until nap time. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and spending time with each other with the fire going. It was so nice and cozy. What a wonderful day.

I couldn't ask for anything better, I love my family so much and I couldn't be happier. For the first time in YEARS actually since I was a little kid, I was so excited Christmas morning! I felt like a little kid again... only this time the excitement stemmed from the anticipation of watching my kids open their gifts rather than myself. Wow I must be growing up?! haha

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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