Thursday, December 30, 2010

Finally.. REST!

I am so excited, happy and overjoyed!!! I finally got some decent rest last night and it came WITHOUT having Adrian supplimenting Alex at night! WHOOHOO! Its a first and I just HAD to write it down.

I had a doctor's appointment earlier in the day with Dr. Dresbach (the same doctor that saw me through Alex's pregnancy and I have to say hes the BEST doctor I have ever had!) so I was gone for most of the late afternoon. Poor little Alex woke up MAD and hungry so when I got home I quickly gave him dinner then a nice warm bath because my little man was stinky!!! haha

After his bath we had some awake time with Mia and he actually hung out for a long while. I thought for sure he would go to bed easily. WRONG! When he got sleepy and I put him down, he only slept for a good 20-30mins before waking up MAD ... again. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of trying to get Mia to bed so I couldn't tend to him. Adrian was working from home, so he did his best to try to console him but nothing worked. When I was done with Mia I came back down and fed him again. He wanted MORE awake time, so we hung out for another hour on the couch together. Once he got tired I laid him down and he knocked out cold then I went to bed. This was about 11pm.

He didn't wake up again until after 5am!!! WHOA! I know!!!! I was so happy because I got so much sleep. I came downstairs, fed him again and he knocked out AGAIN!! YAY! I laid him down and he slept until 8am!!! I went to bed after feeding him so I got a couple more hours of rest!

Today is the best day ever! I am so happy and excited!!! I just hope that I didn't get all this rest because today will be a hand full with the kids.... uh oh! I didn't think about that! In that case I better go back to bed again! haha

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