Sunday, January 30, 2011

It's official Alex can Roll Over!!!!

He did it! He did it!! He did it and completely on his OWN too!!! I know last week he managed to get from his back to his tummy but I didn't feel right truly counting it since she launched off my knee a bit to give him leverage. Today, however, he did it completely unassisted!! and more than once.. more than twice... he did it 3 times! I am so excited and so proud of him!!!

Hes been trying to get onto his tummy for awhile now, however, only recently have I been noticing hes been aggressively trying to roll over. He makes it to his side easily but trying to get onto his tummy was the hard thing. I saw him trying and struggling with it yesterday and more so this morning when I had him laying on the ground. He would push, and grunt and try so hard but could never make it from his side to his tummy. I keep encouraging him and he would keep trying until he would finally get frustrated and give up and cry.

So later in the afternoon while Mia was still upstairs with her Daddy I had Alex laying on the floor again. He started trying again, grunting and struggling. I keep encouraging him and he kept screaming in delight. It was the cutest thing. Eventually he finally made it all the way over!! I was so shocked and so happy and so was he! He really started screaming with delight. I was beaming with pride, he did it wearing a jammie sack too!!! which I think would make things harder!

I quickly grabbed the camera and rolled him back over and sure enough he did it again!! and I got to capture it on video. Though the video is a bit long since it took a bit of encouraging, he still did it! I am so proud of my little man. He is growing up so fast!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

16 Weeks

Happy Saturday! Ugh! I am so exhausted... I need sleep.. BAD! But Adrian is sleeping with Mia (he is on lack of sleep as well) and Alex is up and ready to go! Luckily I am able to pacify him with his little singing star so I can bust out this blog before I forget... AGAIN!

This has been one amazing week for little Alex. He did a HUGE first this week... he took his very first trip to Oxnard! Thats right he made it all the way up there without hardly crying at all!!! The ride home, however, is a different story. But the visit was fun, we went to my Brother and Sis-In-Law's house to visit. They had not seen Alex since he was in the hospital and it gave Mia some much needed bonding time with her cousins. It was a short turn around visit but still fun. I can't wait to see them again.

Alex also graduated from his newborn napper into the pack in play officially now! WOW! My little man is growing up way to fast. He seems to like it too because I always find him all over the place when I get him up. He is never in the same place twice. I think he loves the room. I want to move him into his crib but its still in Mia's room (acting as a play toy) and we don't have sheets for it yet. I am hoping I will make the move once we move into our new place later next month.

The theme of this week is the magic swing!!!! Alex has hated Mia's swing since day one so you better believe how surprised I was when he fell in love with his Cousin's old swing! He used it so much at my brothers house. They called it their magic swing and since my youngest niece Sophia finally outgrew it, they gave it to us!! YAY! Ever since its been home hes been loving it and its been a life saver for sure. The only thing is, Mia..... she wants a swing too! So I gave her, her old one (ya the one she hated as well) and not shes laid claim to it and LOVES it! She swings next to her brother ALL the time! I know shes too big for it but she has so much fun that I just don't have the heart to take it away from her just yet.... I will probably wait until we move.

Alex also rolled onto his tummy from his side for the first time, however, he did use me as leverage so I can't really count it as a true milestone but hes close! He moves around all over the place by rolling onto his side, then his back and side and back and eventually gets to where he wants to go. It isn't very far and and the movement usually consists of a circle haha

The older he is getting the more awake time hes demanding. Also, its not just any awake time, its one on one time with Mama! So balancing between tickling him, tickling Mia, talking to him, talking to Mia isn't easy. He doesn't like to be left alone with nothing to do so I always have make sure he has a batch of fresh toys around him at all times and then rotate him around the room. I am actually surprised that he is letting me write this right now because he usually needs me to keep talking to him and interact with him. I better hurry up!

A bad thing that has happened this week is he has learned how to scratch up his face and BAD! Poor little guy has tons of bloody scabs all over his precious face! I can't get him to stop and I can't put gloves on him because he sucks his fingers to soothe himself. I don't know what to do... I have clipped and filed his nails down to nubs but he still finds way to tear into his face. Ugh.. I hope this phase passes quickly.

Well I better get going, hes gurgling at me which means he needs attention! Off to do my Mama duty!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Now its getting out of control!

I think Alex is transforming from my sweet little "Coo Bear" back to a ferocious "T-Rex" again! He is tearing up his skin like CRAZY! Not even Mia tore into her face as much has he has. Its only on one side and of course its the side he uses to suck his fingers and soothe himself so I can't put gloves on him. Every time he gets up from a nap he has more cuts on his face. I have trimmed and filed down his nails to practically numbs but NOTHING has helped!!! I don't know how hes doing it?!? I hope he stops soon or he will have little baby scars! OH NO!

*VIDEO* Alex playing (3 months) 01-28-11

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bye Bye Newborn Napper... Hello Big Boy Bed

Today is a sad but happy day for me. Today is the day that Alex offically retires his newborn Napper! I know! My little man is growing up way to fast! That was his last little newborn thing he still used... and now its gone....

Hes a big boy now and is going to sleep in his play pen like a big boy. I would have transfered him to the crib but its still in Mia's room and she has laid claim to it. So I am going to wait until after we move before I put him in it and take it away from Mia.

Well we will see how his nap and bedtime goes in his big boy bed... eeek! Also I found out where all his hair went on the back of his head! haha I had to take a picture of that!

********** UPDATE ****************

The Magical Swing IS Truly Magical!

It works!!! It works!!! The Magical Swing worked its Magic and Alex is asleep in it!!! You might be wondering why I am so surprised since he has slept in it before, but you have no idea what I just went through right now...

I fed Alex after his nap and he was ready to go and play. That is when I noticed that he was breaking out BAD with ezcema again! OH NO!!! So I decided that a emergency oatmeal bath was in order ASAP! The only bad thing was, I had already fed him and didn't have anymore to give. I usually feed him AFTER his bath so he can go to sleep. Well I couldn't wait for the next feeding, especially since Adrian had taken Mia out with him to run some errands. So I gave him a bath anyway.

He was good in his bath, however, afterwards he blew up like always. He really doesn't like all the lotions and creams I use on him for his ezcema. So when he was crying unconsolably I didn't know what to do. I couldn't feed him. So I decided to try out the swing and see if it is truly magical.

I set him up, and laid him in it and sure enough less than 30 seconds after it started to swing Alex calmed down, stuck his two fingers in his mouth and got comfy. By the time I got the camera out he was already asleep!!!!

It works!!!! I have a life saver on my hands! I am so excited!!!

Alex Mama Time

The mornings are usually Alex Mama time, however, hes been sleeping through that time lately and waking up when his big Sister does. So our one on one time has been cut short for a couple of weeks now. So when he decided to wake up a bit early and spend time with his Mama of course I jumped at the chance and recorded some moments. I love my little Man and our time together!