Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Final Check-Up

Today was a big day for me. I went in for my FINAL pregnancy check up. It was my 5 week post partum check up and it was at Wildomar at 10am!! Talk about early. Luckily, my Dad decided to stay one more day to help us out so Adrian wouldn't have to get up extra early.

So once Alex was all fed and settled I headed off to my appointment. I really wanted Adrian, Mia, and Alex to join me but it was way to early. Once I got there I checked in and they took me back pretty quickly.

The nurse recognized me right away and asked where my husband and daughter where. I told them they were back home and I had escaped! haha She laughed. I told her about Alex and we shared some common breastfeeding horror stories haha Once she took my vitals she took me back to the examination room and had me get ready for the doctor.

My OB came in and gave me a big hug and congratulated me on Alex's birth. She asked me how the 10-10-10 date went and I told her we didn't get it. Alex wanted 10-09! hahd She said "Oh NO! and I was thinking about you all day on the 10th.. oh well" we laughed a bit. She examined me and said I look great and got the green light to exercise again! YAY! She also put me on some birth control so Alex's doesn't get dethroned haha We chatted a bit more and she sent me on my way. I am not due back for another 2 years! WOW! So she gave me a goodbye hug and that was that. It was a bittersweet moment for me since I know I won't be back... at least not to see her or that office again. Once we move back to San Diego later this year, I will have to switch doctors. I am a bit sad.. I have had her as an OB for 5 years and she has seen me all through Mia and Alex's pregnancies. She is a great doctor and I am so happy I was her patient.

After getting dressed I checked out and the nurse handed me all the things I needed and I headed home.

So I got my clean bill of health. I am all back to normal now and I have no more check ups! YAY!!! I can finally sit back and relax a bit (healthy wise) so that is really cool, I've been in and out of the doctor's office so much the past 3 years its nice to finally have a break!

Well Alex is calling me I gotta go I just watched to write alittle something on my special day...

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