Tuesday, November 16, 2010

He Graduates Again!

Alex has graduated to size 2 diapers! I can't believe it! Mia was no where near his age when she graduated and already hes in 2. What a growing boy I have on my hands. The decision was pretty easy though, he was having back to back blow outs and last night was the last straw...

After his 3am feeding I handed him back to Adrian to watch him for the next three hours while I slept. As I settled back in bed and was just about to doze off I was woken by Adrian coming back in the room. I opened my eyes and saw him carrying Alex's blanket (my favorite blue one) and said he had ANOTHER blow out! It got all over Alex's shirt and blanket! OH NO!!! So I jumped out of bed and took it straight to the washer. I soaked it over night and luckily the yellow stains came out.

Today he was back in size 1 and almost had ANOTHER blow out... so thats it for 1's hes up to 2's now. What a shame, we still have so many newborn and size 1 diapers! but using those up is not worth the blow outs! haha Little Alex my pooping machine!!

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