The craving for some decent Mexican food proved to be to much for me today, and I just couldn't take it any longer. Despite my usual need to over protect the baby and keep him indoors until he is at least a couple of months old, was finally overshadowed by the need to satisfy this craving. The place... Don Jose's (only about a 5-10 mins drive from the house).
I should have known that it wouldn't go as smoothly as I would hope since I wasn't feeling completely well to start off with. My stomach has been acting up ALL day but I didn't want that to hold me back either. So once Mia was up from her nap, and Alex was fed we zoomed off to Canyon Lake where Don Jose's is.
Alex slept the whole ride there and we thought we would be golden. We got off the car, Adrian carried in Mia as I carried in Alex in his car seat. They seated us pretty fast and after some table modifications we managed to get Alex to sit in the booth between Adrian and myself in his car seat. Mia sat in her high chair and munched out on some chips.
Everything seemed to go pretty well until my stomach started to turn again and I had to quickly run off to the restroom. When I came back, Alex was awake and NOT happy. I wasn't sure if he had a poopie diaper and I know they don't have baby changing tables in the restrooms. OH NO!!!! I contemplated on changing him next to me on the booth and when he began to really scream I just pulled him out of the car seat and cuddled him trying to sooth him.
Mia didn't really care, she was busying eating her "chippies" and "tee tee" (tortilla and cheese). I managed to put Alex to sleep but there was no way I could eat with him in my arms. I just stared at my food that I was dying to eat... but it was ok, my stomach was uneasy and I was actually kind of queasy so I didn't mind sitting this one out. I rocked Alex in my arms while the 4 of us tried to enjoy our time out.
Once Adrian and Mia were done eating, we put my food into a "to-go" container and we packed things up. I checked Alex's diaper but he was fine... no poopies. YAY! but moving him around woke him up and so we had to hurry up and leave, I didn't want him to get upset and start screaming again. We paid for our food and Mia got a sucker on the way out.
We all got into the car and thats when Alex woke up MAD! He cried the whole ride home and sure enough as soon as we walked in the door of our house and I checked his diaper and found a BIG poopie mess! OH NO!!!! So I got him all cleaned up and fed him again and nows hes a happy little clam again.
Well I think it was a little soon to take the family out to dinner, but hey I really needed my Mexican food. Since I am finally feeling better now I think I will go reheat my food now while I still can.
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