Saturday, November 6, 2010

He Smiled at Me!!

Its officially, little Alex can smile now! (While awake!) I finally got to see my little guys gummy smile and it warmed my heart. I have seen him smile before but it was always in his sleep. Once I thought I saw it in a video, but I couldn't be certain. However, there was no doubt about it, this morning he smiled at me and more than once!!!!

He woke up screaming LOUD but once I gave him breakfast he was EXTRA happy. He wanted to hang out a bit before going back to sleep so I cuddled with him. His Grandma had to leave so she cuddled him a bit before she left and he just loved it.

Once she left I put him on the couch, set him up in his boppie and told him Mama had to eat breakfast. Of course he put on the charm! He stared at me so cute and I just had to sit down beside him and talk to him. Soon he started his little coo and before I could leave he flashed his cute little smile! I was shocked!!! I kept talking to him and he did it again... then again!! And no it wasn't gas! He was really happy and was smiling and cooing! I just melted right there. Forget about breakfast! I hung out with him as long as my tummy let me then I just had to grab something to eat.

I am so happy, my little man has the cutest smile ever... and yes... he did inherit the famous "Pizano" cheeks! haha

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