Saturday, November 13, 2010

Alex Pooped on Daddy!!!!

Oh No!!! It happened again! This time Alex's victim was his Daddy!

He had been sleeping in Mia's room during the afternoon and when he woke up to eat around the early evening, Daddy went to the room to get him. I was downstairs on the computer. Adrian then came downstairs with the crying baby in his arms. "I think he needs a diaper change" he said as he stood next to me. Alex was fussing a bit then we heard it...

BRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP..... a gross poopie sound. Uh-Oh. I turned and looked at Alex and thats when I saw it. Adrian shirt was covered and I mean COVERED in yellow watery mess! "He pooped on you!!!" I jumped up and noticed that he had not only pooped on his Daddy but the floor too!!! I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of paper towels to help Adrian clean up and to clean the floor. By then Alex was screaming. I grabbed Mia so she wouldn't step in it, and handed her to my Dad. I then ran off and got his bath ready... Daddy laid Alex on a nearby box while he cleaned himself up.

When I got his bath stuff ready I popped him in the bath and got him all nice and clean again. Daddy took a shower soon after...

Phew what a mess! literally... I am just glad it wasn't me!! haha

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