Saturday, February 13, 2010

Worst Sick Day EVER!!!

Yep its officially here... welcome back morning, evening, night sickness!!! BLEH!!! and it HAD to fall on today.

Tomorrow is Valentines Day, however, Adrian and I traditionally celebrate it the day before due to the over crowded places on VDay. So we planned on going to Soup Plantation and spend some time together with Mia.

Well I should have known it wasn't going to be a good day for me when I woke up feeling bleh. By the time I got Mia up I was nausious and had the runs BAD! I was barely able to make it to Target down the street real fast to pick up a card and some candy for Adrian. When I got home I was EXTEMELY sick. I put Mia down for a nap and slept myself. After my nap I got WORSE! My head was spinning and I wanted to throw up so bad. I woke up Adrian and had him take care of Mia until I felt well enough to cook her some lunch.

Well the sickness stayed with me and whenever I sat it, it hit HARD! So Adrian ended up feeding Mia and watching her for awhile while I rested on the couch. Eventually it slowly got better. Adrian left for awhile and came back with presents for me!!! I ate a bit and felt much better afterwards.

Now I am feeling a bit better but still not 100%, its to late to go out, Mia is in bed. Bleh...I just hope tomorrow goes better than today

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