Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A little better today

Today has been alittle better for me. I have been stressing out a lot less, mostly due to the fact that my cervical pain and other abdominal pain were gone most of the day. I felt better and my spirits uplifted a bit.

After writing my blog yesterday I finally decided that I will take this pregnancy as it is and to stop worrying about it so much. If God is going to take away this baby from me too, then thats his will and there is nothing I can do about it. So with that being said I am going to enjoy this pregnancy while my baby is with me. Something I regret not doing with Angel's. (I always felt there was something wrong with Angel's pregnancy since the beginning and I was having horrible bonding issues). Well this time I am doing to take it as it is.

Things were going pretty good for the most part of the day. Mia was alittle bit of a handful but by the evening we both were having fun screaming and playing with each other. I had a couple of tickle fights with her and was feeling pretty good. Then when our show line up was done on TV I decided to play her alittle music before bed. I got up from the couch and got a HORRIBLE pain on my right side of my uterus. It quickly brought me to my knees. I held myself, to scared to even move in fear I might have done something wrong. I just sat there on the ground trying to relax my tense muscles, breathe and talk myself down. This was the worst pain I felt yet. Last night when I put Mia to bed, I lifted her over her crib to lay her down and I got a stabby sharp pain that sent me hurring out of her room, holding my stomach and running to Adrian. I really don't remember having these sort of pains with Mia but I do remember vividly having them with Angel. I rode them off as nothing with Angel and contiuned to push myself anyway, taking them lightly. This time I am paying more attention to them and trying to slow down a bit. Which is hard with a 1 year old running around. Sigh... I hope I will be ok

Well I am going to rest the rest of the night. I am going to put on some of my shows to watch on TV and eat another Grapefruit. I am trying to stay positive.... its still a HUGE roller coaster for me right now.

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