Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I had a feeling I shouldn't have tested yesterday, because all that went through my head all night and even this morning is ... maybe I am wrong... maybe I am not pregnant.

Could all the pregnancy symptoms I am feeling all be in my head? Could they just be symptoms of my period approaching? I mean we did time it perfect (so we thought) but only did "the baby dance" once. Maybe that wasn't enough.

I am feeling pretty down about it. I have decided to wait until Saturday to test again. Hopefully my levels will be high enough to detect by then.

I am so nervous and sad. I hope I am pregnant because the conception story would have been perfect, being in Vegas for our anniversary and all. Now it will just have to happen here at home... the house we conceived and lost Angel in ... and the house we are moving out of.

I hope I am wrong, I DO want to be pregnant!

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