Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 weeks since I found out

Day 31:

Ugh! That is the theme of this week, especially today. Not sure how long I can last before I need to lay down again so I will try to get through this as fast as I can. This week tons of changes have happened and I truly feel more pregnant than ever. I am really starting to feel this pregnancy will be ok which is a HUGE relief. The symptoms are strong and I am SICK ALL THE TIME!!!!

We were able to finally tell the Grandparents and that was a huge treat! I am looking forward to telling my brother and sis in law now but I just can't seem to catch them at a good time.

We did get our first big scare earlier in the week when I got some spotting like discoloration. I ended up calling the nurse line and though they said we should come in we decided to wait it out. Turns out to be nothing because it cleared up and never came back. Phew... but it wasn't fun going through it thats for sure.

O-M-G!!!!!! Everyday just gets worse and worse! And today has been KING of all sick days. I haven't vomited yet but I have been so close. Infact I can feel the food I just ate rising in my throat right now!!... bleh. The oranges and ginger ale trick aren't working this time around either!!! NOOO!!! The only thing that seems to settle my stomach is dry Cheerios, and I have to fight Mia for those! Ugh.. I am not looking forward to this part of the pregnancy.. its the pits. I get so sick and even become bed ridden. The only thing is, I cannot rest like I did with Mia's pregnancy because I have Mia running around. Luckily Adrian has stepped up and helped me out TONS!!!! It seems to peak early morning as soon as I open my eyes and wake up, and it lasts until late afternoon. Only then will I be able to stomach something other than Cheerios.

BEANS and BEEF!!! Those are the foods for the week! haha Though I cannot eat much else. Anything sweet will set me off and thats including juice!!! Even OJ sometimes makes me sick! I don't know how I am going to handle this pregnancy food wise at all!!! But beans are awesome and I love them! Oranges are meh.. they taste good when I eat them but they sometimes make me sick too!! (HUGE difference from Mia's pregnancy) and I haven't touched a Grapefruit almost all week.

I have gotten alot better with this. If I nap while Mia does then I am ok, the only thing is, the sickness has me bed ridden ALOT even if I am not tired. So I am in bed alot or laying on the couch but its not always because I am tired.

I don't really have many "new symptoms" other than certain smells do make me sick now. That is new. Before I just had hyper sensitive smell with no nausiousness but now the sickness is accompanied. Once Adrian re-heated some El Pollo Loco chicken and I literally had to run upstairs to escape the smell it was making me so sick!!

I haven't been able to check this in a while. I do feel bloated alot and I feel like I am retaining tons of water so I am guessing I have increased in weight. I am to sick to check in the morning... all I want to do is lay or sit perfectly still so I don't throw up. I don't think I will be taking Mia for anymore morning walks nor hit the gym for awhile... sigh....

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