Saturday, February 13, 2010

Poor Adrian......

My all time "poor Adrian" pregnancy story was the Submarina sandwhich story. I always thought it was the saddest thing ever and nothing could ever top that story... well it finally happened.. something comes close too if not tops it and I am only 3 weeks along!!!!

First of all, the Submarina sandwich story goes like this. When I was barely pregnant with Mia (probably less than a full month or about that) I was craving Submarina's Turkey Sandwhich. I LOVE their Pepper Turkey sandwiches! I had been feeling really sick all day and that was the only thing that sounded good. So I pulled out my pregnancy card and made Adrian go pick me up a sandwich. I usually don't boss him around to do things for me, but this was a pregnancy emergency. So like a awesome husband that he is he went. When he came back he brought in not a 6 inch. but a foot long!! YAY!!! He told me that he didn't have enough money to buy himself something to eat because he wanted to make sure I had a foot long and enough to eat. (Sweet huh?) Well I eagerly opened up the package... took out my sandwich and took a big bite!!! and... YUCK!! I almost threw up right then an there. That is when I learned all about pregnancy food aversions and turkey happened to be number one on my list!!! OH NO! So I threw the sandwich away... poor Adrian...

So today, like I mentioned before, we are celebrating Valentines Day early so I got to get my vday presents. Adrian held my first present behind his back... he looked a bit sad and he said "I got you this earlier, now I think your going to not like it" I told him its ok to give it to me anyways and it was a big 1 pound box of Sees Chocolates (MY FAVORITE!) Oh no!!!! Chocolate has been a HUGE food aversion for me this go around. I felt so horrible. Adrian said he bought them for me before he learned of my food averson to chocolate and wish he would have known because there was a HUGE line at the candy store too. Poor guy... Well I tried to stomach a piece anyways and though it tasted alright it made me instantly sick to my stomach and I had to do whatever I could to keep my lunch down. So sad...

So I am going to keep the chocolates and hopefully I will be able to eat them again soon.. .maybe my 2nd or 3rd trimester. Poor Adrian...

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