Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grapefruit! YUM?

Ever since I was a little girl I have always disliked the taste of Grapefruit. I hated the juice, the fruit, anything grapefruit. It was also so bitter and yucky and would almost make me gag!

I remember my Dad eating lots of Pink Grapefruit when I was a kid. He would always ask me to try some and I would always try to get away and out of eating any of it. However after much convincing I would eventually try it and I would practically spit it out because it was so gross!!!

I don't remember the last time I attempted to like Grapefruit. I believe it was sometime in college and again I was grossed out by it.

Now that I am pregnant and my cravings and aversions are slowly kicking in, I was completely shocked beyond belief by my newest craving. Yep you guessed it.. Grapefruit!!! WOW! What the heck?! I found myself thinking about them here and there.

Then yesterday, while we were in Target picking up a cake to celebrate the new baby, I passed by the produce department. All of a sudden I stopped in my tracks! There staring at me was a nice fat Grapefruit! Ooooooooh!!! I picked it up and even the smell of it made me want to drool. I found this so incredibly odd! Adrian finally noticed me holding and savoring the little grapefruit in my hand and said "You know thats a Grapefruit" "Yes I know but it looks so good!!!" "I thought you didn't like Grapefruit" "I don't but now I want one.. BAD!" "Your not going to like it" he said. I stood there and thought about it for awhile. It was almost $2 for this little Grapefruit and I would hate to waste Adrian's hard earned money on something I would taste, reject and throw in the trash. So against my better instincts I put it back and walked away sad.

That night all I could think about was that little Grapefruit! It literally haunted me until I finally told Adrian that I couldn't stand the craving anymore, I NEEDED Grapefruit!!!

So today when Adrian went to the store to pick up some odds and ends and he picked me up a Grapefruit! YAY!!!! I was so excited, but unfortunately too full from our dinner to eat it. So I held it in my hand. I took that little Grapefruit everywhere with me until I finally had room enough in my tummy for it. I was even sniffing it here and there (haha I know I know I am weird, but it smelled SOOOO GOOD!).

When I was hungry again, I slowly opened it up and YAY it was a pink one (supposedly the better type). I peeled it all away and remembered how my Dad used to say not to eat the pulp part, just the juicy fruit part. So I got one ready for me to eat. I wasn't sure how it was going to taste. I wasn't sure if it would make me sick, make me puke, or if I would love it. I slowly ate a piece and........... O-M-G!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!! I gobbled up more than half of it before getting full. I was in heaven. I never knew how good Grapefruit could be!!!!

Well I guess this baby is liking Grapefruits! It was Oranges with Mia, Mangos with Angel, and now Grapefruits with this little one haha Well as long as its not chocolate cake I don't mind. Hmm.... I think I will go eat the other half of my Grapefruit now!

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