Thursday, February 25, 2010


After many obstacles and unexpected roadblocks, we were FINALLY able to share the news with my Brother and Sis in Law today!! YAY!!!

Seriously it was getting to be pretty crazy with how many times we would just miss each other on the phone when we were playing phone tag! Eventually we finally caught my brother home (which is a rarity in itself) I had Adrian and Mia sitting next to me while on speaker phone. I told my brother that we needed to ask a favor of him and Lauren and to get her on the phone as well. (I was doing my best not to give them any hints on what was about to be told to them). Eventually he got her on the phone and right away I blurted out "I'm Pregnant!!!" They both cheered and my brother quickly took me off speaker phone since my Dad was sitting right there. He was afraid we had not told him yet haha. I told him I had so he put me back on speaker!

Both were so exciting on being a new Auntie and Uncle again and we all chatted on the phone happily. I apologized for not telling them earlier and explained how I was being paranoid about miscarrying again and they completely understood. The only thing that got my brother to go "hey wait a min!" was when we told them we were thinking of naming the baby Sofia if its a girl! (Their recent daughter named is Sophia). I explained how we wanted to name our second girl that ever since Mia was born (which is true) but we wanted to spell it Sofia and call her Sophie instead. We got the idea from Adrian's cousin Claire's baby Sophie who is only a few months older than Mia. Anyway I don't think he liked that much but meh oh well. We will see what happens, who knows we might have a boy and it won't even matter.

It was so nice to finally get to tell them. They were the only other family members left that I insisted on telling on the phone if not in person. Now I feel complete and if anyone else hears about it before my March 3rd appointment I won't be devastated. I can't wait until I can finally be open and free about it. I plan on posting the news on facebook since most of our families are on there, and have a picture of the ultra sound! I can't wait!!!!

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