Monday, February 8, 2010

Ugh... stressin' out BIG TIME!

Ok I know every pregnancy is different and I shouldn't compare, however, I can't stop worrying and panicking about losing this baby. Its has slowly consumed all my thoughts. Why? because I keep feeling slightly crampy and stabby pains near my cervix. I really don't remember all the beginning details of how I felt with Mia (I wish I wrote them down) but I do know I was extra crampy with Angel's pregnancy. Everytime I feel my cervix pulsate or hurt I get so paranoid. I keep expecting to see blood any min. I am seriously freaking out now.

I set my first prenatal appointment and its on March 3rd. That will be about my 8 week mark. I am trying to stay positive but its so hard not to relive my miscarriage!!!! I need to stop it! I need to relax and enjoy this pregnancy!!! I just don't want to lose this baby too!!!

It sucks that no one knows about my pregnancy yet so I can't consult with anyone. Especially my Dad who I tell everything to. I just found out they can't make it this weekend due to my Aunt's 50th birthday party scheduled on Sunday. BUMMER!!! I am still debating on whether I should tell Jay and Lauren yet or when. I tried to contact Mona but she hasn't gotten back to me. Is this a sign?! no no no no I can't let myself think that way. Everything is fine... it has to be!!!

Please pray for me and my baby

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