Wednesday, February 17, 2010

2 weeks since I found out

DAY: 24

Its been two weeks since I found out my newest little one has hitched a ride in my tummy. I am 24 days pregnant and per the LNMP calendar I am 5 weeks. These weeks keep zooming by! I can't believe I am over two weeks pregnant and no one in my family knows yet!! Pretty crazy huh? Well hopefully I will be able to share the news with my parents this weekend we will see how that goes.

This week has become a more positive one for me. I have finally started to relax a bit and am not so paranoid about having a miscarriage again. I did some math and turns out that on Feb. 27 I will officially be carrying this baby longer than I did with Angel. So on that day I think I will have a little personal celebration for myself and the baby... maybe celebrate with an Orange or Grapefruit haha

Eventhough I am more confedient about this pregnancy I am still very reserved about telling people about it. So far Mona is the only one I told, I haven't told Lauren/my brother, my good friend Mel or Jess or even Jimmy. So goes to show you I am still really reserved. I think I will feel better once I go to my first pre-natal appointment.

The cramping and sharp pains have slowly become alot less. Other than getting small discomfort here and there the throbing stabby cervical pains have stopped YAY!!! I went on a 1 mile walk with Mia this morning and I had ZERO discomfort YAY AGAIN!!! All these things have made me feel alot better about this go around.

We will see whats in store for me these upcoming weeks

This has reared its ugly head a few times. So far it only really hits in the morning and at night, however, the day before Valentines Day it was actually there ALL DAY! That was horrible. I have noticed that if I don't eat right it brings it on alot faster and harder so I have been making every effort to eat right. Adrian has started this new health kick so I am benefiting from it too. We have never had so many fruits and veggies in our house at one time EVER! haha Anways last night was the worst night for sickness where even the Orange eating didn't quite knock it completely. I didn't need gingerale (my usual last ditch effort before throwing up) so that was good. Overall making sure I eat my oranges and drink my OJ has been helping.

I haven't had any new cravings however I HATE CHOCOLATE! Actually it still looks good to me but everytime and I mean EVERYTIME I eat a piece I literally get so nausiated within 5 mins I feel so sick, its awful. Poor Adrian bought me a 1 pound box of See's Chocolates for Vday and I can't even touch them. I am still liking Grapefruit, and Oranges are the BEST! The one thing I have noticed though that this pregnancy sure has me eating stuff I never used to like! Like Grapefruit, Adrian's polish Pickles, Raw Onions, and there is something else that I just can't think of right now. I do find myself craving salads again like with Mia's (especially Carl's Jr!!!) and fresh fruit and veggies

That has gotten alot better however I do still nap at least once a day. I have been trying to adjust Mia's nap time so when she wakes up and I still need some extra zzzzzzzz's Adrian can get her. The weird thing is, I am so tired all the time but I still can't sleep at night its horrible! I always feel overheated for some reason

Welcome Pregnancy Super Human Smell! Yep I have officially developed my super human smelling ability. I have always been extra sensitive to smell but now its on hyper drive. Fortunately it still isn't really accompanied with strong nausia but its still there. Last night I was laying on the couch in the living room I could literally smell the nacho cheese dip Adrian was eating in the kitchen! And that jar is small!!! haha I can also smell Mia's poopie diaper a mile away, thats no fun. My boobs don't hurt as much as they did with Mia but they didn't do that with Angel either so I think I may just be in the clear. However, they are still very sore just not OMG OUCH sore! well unless Mia elbows them, which she is doing quite often now for some reason! The dizziness has kicked in alot and I am finding myself light headed alot which sucks. I also feel foggy headed alot and can't concentrate or think right. Just the other day I had to ask Adrian how to spell the number "Two"... t-w-o just didn't look right to me. Yep I have also developed my preggy brain!

Well I am still hovering at 184. Earlier in the week, I started to get overly obessed with my weight. It was so bad that Adrian made me quit weighing myself. So I took out the batteries from our scale and didn't weight myself again for almost the week. I am still at 184 so I gained a pound.. bleh. I am hoping that with us eating better and taking my daily walks will help with that. But who knows, I have a strong feeling I am going to blow up with this pregnancy... great....

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