Monday, February 22, 2010

The Grandparents Know!!!!

YAY! We finally were able to announce the news to my Mom and Dad this weekend, AND we got an extra bonus... we got an unexpected visit from Adrian's Mom and we got to tell her too! So now all the Grandparents know!

My parents came up for a visit on Saturday and left on Sunday in the late afternoon. I had been racking my brain trying to come up with a new creative way on breaking the news to them. I had always done it in a surprise type way. With Mia, as they walked in the door, we handed them a gift we "got from Maui". It was a wrapped picture frame that had a picture of the positive pregnancy test. With Angel, we also surprised them as they walked in, only this time it we had Mia break the news by wearing a "Big Sister" shirt. This time I decided to make a "Valentines Day" card by hand and which read "Roses are Red, Violets are Blue" and when you opened it it had a picture of Mia on top and a picture of the positive pregnancy test on the bottom and read "First there was one, and now there are two!!"

We didn't give the card to them right away. We acted like nothing and visited like normal. We ate our lunch and chatted a bit. Then I busted out the card. I told them it was a Valentines Day card from us. Right away my Dad got concerned, he said he felt bad he didn't give US a card! HAHA So my Mom and Dad stood together and my Mom read the card. Instantly when they opened it my Mom knew and it took my Dad a few seconds and then he got it too. They both burst into celebration. I have never seen my Dad so happy before... well other than when we announced Mia's pregnancy and Angel's. He yelled and hugged us and my Mom did as well. They were both shocked how long we could keep this a secret, and how normal we were acting haha

The rest of the visit they spoiled me as always. I also got very sick a few times so we were unable to go anywhere. They even took Mia to IHOP so they could bring back some food for us since I was too sick to go out. It was nice to be spoiled again. They were so extremely happy for us and it felt good to finally tell someone in person. Later that first night, they surprised us with a strawberry cake (because I told them how chocolate makes me sick) and a bottle of apple cider! We all celebrated and toasted. Even Mia got a taste of apple cider for the second time in her life. (The first time was with Angel's announcement). She made cute faces because of the fizzies haha

Anyways the visit was great, we couldn't ask for anything more... other than me not being so sick.

Later that evening we got a surprise visit from Adrian's Mom!!! Her vacation from work had started and she really wanted to see us. It was great to see her again and after visiting for a bit it was time to go to bed. Adrian and I decided to tell her before bed since she would see me sick in the morning anyway and probably figure it out. So as we said our Goodnights, we stood there and Adrian said "Angie has something to say" I blurted out "IM PREGNANT!" We actually surprised her for once (since she guessed the last two times before we could even say it) and she quickly smiled and celebrated. She was so happy for the news and for us. We were happy we finally were able to shock her before she could guess (which is hard because she knows everything! haha) We celebrated a bit then I went off to bed because... ya you guessed it.. I was feeling sick again.

So YAY the news is out!! Well to the parents at least. We still want to wait until the ultrasound before breaking it to the rest of the family. Ahhh... what a feeling of relief.. its feeling even more real now! I can't wait to tell the family!

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