Thursday, February 11, 2010

A nice walk around the park with Mia

I am really trying to be healthy this go around with this pregnancy. I am not sure if I can make it to the gym everyday but I can attempt to walk outside everyday (if the weather permits).

Today was my first day out on a walk with Mia since I became pregnant. It was nice out, not to cold not to warm.. just perfect. We started our walk around 10 so it was so bright and early.

I did 3 laps around the track pushing Mia in her stroller. I have timed it before and 3 laps - 1 mile. I even had my GPS with me to confirm it. I managed to do 1 mile in 24 mins. I was so proud of myself.

Afterwards I let Mia play in the park for about 30 mins before walking back home. I feel good about myself, if the weather maintains itself I can see myself doing this more often.

I did get mild discomfort afterwards though but not really "Cramping" just some pressure and uncomfortableness. I am taking it slow and walking alot slower than I used to.

My weight goal for this pregnancy is just to maintain... and thats my new mantra "just maintain!" I am not looking to lose weight, I am not dieting and still eating good but I would like my weight to stay as close to what it is as possible. Wish me luck!

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