Saturday, February 13, 2010

I finally told someone

Today marks a big day for me. I finally told someone about my pregnancy. I have been having huge hesitations and issues regarding telling people about my pregnancy in fear that I will jinx myself and lose the baby again.

However, today I finally decided that I HAD to tell someone... so I called up my best friend since we were 14.. MONA! Last time I spoke to her we were on our way back from Vegas. I had told her we were trying for another baby and that I thought I was pregnant. She was so excited and happy for us and wanted to know when I got pregnant. Well I found out on the 3rd and called her up on the 8th however I got her voicemail. I didn't leave a message and thought I would call later. Thats when all the paranoia set in and I just never called her back.

Again today I felt like I had to tell someone, but I was still scared. So I texted her to give me a call and she did. I said hi and then blurted out I AM PREGNANT!!! She screamed with excitement and was so happy for us. It was great to finally tell someone... now its beginning to feel a bit real. I am still reserved about telling anyone else but at least someone knows. I told her of all my pains and concerns and she reassured me that she felt the same way with her baby Koa. That made me feel better. She also said she will keep us in our prayers and send positive energy our way. That helped too.

I feel so much better now. Not sure if I will tell anyone else yet. I know I don't want to tell family until after my first ultrasound.. well extended family. Hopefully my parents will be able to make it down next weekend so we can tell them. Not sure when I am going to tell my brother and Lauren yet... hopefully soon. Again I still feel very reserved about the whole thing.

Well at least one persons knows and I am glad it was her. Mona was also the first person I told when I got pregnant with Mia and Angel so the tradition continues =)

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