Saturday, February 6, 2010

Its starting to feel real!

YAY! We got our confirmation today!!!! As hard as it was for me not to spill the beans that I got a possible positive earlier in the week, I kept my little secret and waited until today to tell Adrian and do a confirmation test with him!

We waited until Mia was down for a nap and came downstairs together. I went into the bathroom alone and walked out with my pending digital test after taking it. Adrian and I sat on the family room couch as I rested the test on my knee..

The little hour glass was blinking and blinking. I was shaking with anticipation. I knew I was pregnant but I only truly accept it once I get a digital confirmation.

This little test was extra special for us because it was the first time that I actually got to take the test with Adrian with me. The two previous pregnancies I had always did it alone and told him the results later. This time he got to see the results right as I did.

The hour glass blinked some more then..... BAM!!..... PREGNANT!!!!! YAY!!! We both celebrated and hugged! Wow here was our confirmation! Its really happening! no doubt about it now. We chatted a bit; both of us excited about our new little soon-to-be bundle of joy!

Now I can't wait for Mia to wake up from her nap so we can tell her she is going to be a big sister again! WHOOHOO!!!!!

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