Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh the familiar feeling...

I think I spoke too soon when I wrote my weekly blog about how I was feeling. I AM SICK!! BLEH!!! I feel so queasy its not even funny... Mia pregnancy bad!!!! YUCK!

I went to bed fine but I woke up when Adrian went to bed (6:30am) and instantly I felt horrible. I felt so queasy...too queasy to stay in bed so I got up to use the restroom to see if that would help. It really didn't.

We ran out of OJ yesterday! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I didn't think it would be such a big deal yesterday but I was wrong IT IS A BIG DEAL! Now I realize I can never not have OJ in the house!!! Its what helped me with both Mia and Angel's queasiness during their pregnancies. I almost made Adrian go to the store to go get me some, but I think I will use my "free bossing the husband around pregnancy pass" for a more dire situation.

So I did the next best thing. I went to the fridge and got one of Mia's oranges. I opened it up and tried to eat it. The first bite almost made me throw up. Ugh... I decided NOT to eat the pulp and to eat it like Mia instead. Just suck out the juice when I bite it. Sure enough after some time past I started to feel alittle better. I am down to my last sliver. I think I will eat it and attempt to go back to bed for another hour. Its almost 7am. Mia usually doesn't wake up until 8-8:30am so I might have some time to rest.

Ugh... not looking forward to this sickness... this is not going to be fun AT ALL!!!

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