Saturday, February 6, 2010

Celebration Time!!!

After Mia woke up I carried her downstairs with me. I took her to her Daddy and we broke the news to her. Of course she didn't know what was going on and all she cared about was "wheres lunch!?!" but it was still cute to tell her she will be a big sister again.

We rested here at the house a bit. I have been so tired lately and nap every second I can. We wanted to do something special to celebrate the pregnancy so the three...err.. four of us zoomed off to Target later in the evening and bought a big chocolate cake!! Yum Yum!

I think my pregnancy food aversions are starting to kick in though. Sweets just don't look as tempting as they used to be. I was like that with Mia's pregnancy.. so much that I couldn't even stomach putting something sugary in my mouth. This time I can tolerate it but not much.

We took the cake home and after Mia went to bed we cut it and ate some. I didn't even finish my tiny slice before feeling ... bleh... so I gave it to Adrian. Eventhough I couldn't really enjoy the cake like I wanted to, it was still fun to finally be able to acknowledge my pregnancy and celebrate!!!

I can't wait to tell the family now!

Also, I am so happy I am finally able to create the baby's own blogsite!! I have been dying to do that. Its still work in progress but its coming along great. I have been blogging about the baby on my own private diary since the VERY beginning so I transferred some of those blogs onto this one. Of course after TONS of editing and censoring out some personal details haha

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