Friday, February 19, 2010

First Big Scare....

I have been walking on egg shells for awhile now, with this pregnancy, in constant fear of losing my precious baby. However, only recently have I slowly started to relax a bit. The cervical pain is gone and the pressure/discomfort is minimal. I felt things were going to be ok... until today

I woke up feeling EXTREMELY sick, ahh joys of morning sickness. I could not knock it for anything, not even OJ helped.. infact it made me want to throw up more!! I got Mia up and poor baby got a pretty lousy breakfast since I couldn't stand to cook anything. Eventually I felt alittle better after Mia and I shared a bowl of dry Cheerios.

I later put Mia down for a nap and went to bed myself. When I woke up I felt alright, still alittle queasy but nothing bad. I got up and Adrian was already up with Mia. We made plans to hit Babies R Us for a diaper run and I rested a bit while he made Mia some lunch. I ate some lunch too and rested. Then it was time to go and I got up to get ready and all of a sudden I felt really sick again. I told Adrian I didnt' want to go anymore and later went to use the restroom. Thats where I noticed it...

I had some weird orangey colored discoloration after I wiped. It wasn't from my urine since it was clear and it wasn't blood or anything however it was noticible and it was there. I started to get concerned, soon I was reliving my miscarriage!! I tried to remain calm and checked again.. and again it was there but so very little. Almost barely noticable but I saw it. I quickly ran upstairs and told Adrian he told me to relax and calm down and to call the nurses line.

I was in dejavu mode... I was remembering how I noticed some weird colored discharge moments before my miscarriage. The only saving grace was I wasn't having any cervical pain this time. I called the nurses line and after going round and round different people (ya I hate Kaiser) I finally managed to talk to a triage nurse. I told her everything and after interviewing me she recommended I go to Urgent Care in Riverside to get things checked out.

I was scared I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure if this was really nothing and that I was making it out to be something bigger than it was OR if it really was the beginning of something. I went out to the livingroom and talked to Adrian about it. We agreed, after much discussion, that we would wait until Monday then make an appointment to see my OB. We decided on this mainly for the fact there wasn't any blood or cramping and if it was infact a miscarriage happening then there isn't anything anyone would/could do anyway.

So the rest of the evening I rested while Adrian tended to all of Mia's needs. The pressure and cramping have gotten alot better though I still have a slight constant pain on my left side (the side I think the baby is on). I have checked myself numerous times in the bathroom and all the discoloration has stopped completely. I am feeling alittle more relieved.

We will see what the weekend holds. If I start to bleed I will go to the ER, and if the discoloration doesn't return I will just chalk it up to one of those "weird pregnancy things" but if it does return I am making an appt to see my doctor.

Sigh... please pray for me. Hopefully everything is alright...

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