Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Shhhhhhh............... I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right I am pregnant... and only you, me, the baby and Mew Mew know! I just tested and it came out a extremely faint positive but it was there! I know I know I said I would wait until Sat. to test but I just couldn't get yesterday's negative out of my head. So I really had to pee and decided what the heck I will test anyway, I can always buy another one at Walgreens, plus I still have my digital unused one to be my "confirmation test".

Originally the plan was, wait until Sat. take the "First Response" one, wait until its positive then test again with the digital so Adrian and I could see the positive together. That would be my way of surprising him without letting him down with a false negative.

Well like I said I just couldn't wait. Adrian was working from home unexpectedly tonight so I thought "hey why not". So I took the test and just like with Mia's (in the same bathroom as I tested positive with Mia) and sat on the floor and waited, while watching it. Slowly I saw a tiny faint very tiny little line appeared!!!! I kept coaxing the line like if it was alive. And sure enough... though barely visible that little line said "Hello" to me!!!! YAY!!!!!!

I was so excited, but the excitement level was much more controlled than with Mia's positive and Angel's positive. Both of those times it was a complete SHOCK... this time I knew it and expected it. So I went back upstairs and casually asked Adrian if he would like to test together. I acted like I had not tested before and he said .... "no we can wait until Sat" *******WHOA!!! STOP THE PRESSES!!! WHAT???***** (I thought to myself) I tried and tried to convince him to test with me but he stood his ground. Its my fault really for saying its too early to test right now, a few days ago, and that my period is due Friday. So now we have to wait. There is no way around it.... but thats ok it can be our little secret for now. I happy and relieved to finally get my confirmation. I knew it all along, I just did. This pregnancy was sooo planned too the "T" it would be almost impossible not to be. I do feel bad that Adrian has to wait a few more days while I secretly know, but hey hes the one who wants to wait.

Well I am sure I will write more on Sat. Wish me luck! I know I will tell Adrian all of this come Sat. I just hope he isn't upset with me that I didn't wait. Granted I did test without asking him first so its not like I went out and tested after he said wait. Ya... ya I know, but I am just an eager beaver! and I am Pregnant I can do what I want!!!!

Hi little baby, welcome to my tummy!!! <3

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