Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh great... they are back

The uterian and cervical pain/discomfort I have been experiencing lately, which makes me extremely paranoid and nervous about a possible miscarriage, had finally started to get better.

Most of yesterday and most of today I was discomfort free, up until after my afternoon nap. I woke up with lots of pressure again. I tried to ignore it. I wanted to hit the gym for my daily walk but decided against it when the pressure wouldn't get better. Later in the afternoon the pressure became a pulsating stabby pain in my cervix area. I couldn't quite locate its specific location but it scared me.

I took it easy the rest of the afternoon and the pain has since stopped but the pressure is still there.

Sigh.. I hope this is all normal... its driving me insane!!!!!

I still have yet to tell anyone about this pregnancy. I think I am being weird about it, but I feel if I do I might jinx myself. I don't even have the heart to call up my closest friends and family or even email them. I hope I get better soon.... I am looking forward to March 3rd, my first prenatal appointment, but I am also terrified! What if there is no baby again, or no heart beat, or something is wrong... I can round and round in circles being paranoid about this. I just want to make sure the baby is ok so I can finally sit back and really enjoy this pregnancy!

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