Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mama's first solo flight to the Doctor's

What a crazy, crazy, CRAZY morning it has been. I have to be quick about this because Mia is sick! Ya shes throwing up and its been awful! What a thing to come home too after a stressful time at the doctor's for Alex. But I am getting ahead of myself, lets start at the beginning...

I have noticed that Alex's jaundice hasn't been clearing up. Though it doesn't seem to be getting WORSE it hasn't gotten any better. Finally after staring into his yellow eyes yesterday I decided to email his doctor, they made him an appointment for the next day (today) but the only available was early morning at 10! Moreno Valley is about a 30 mins drive so I knew I would have to leave early. There was no way that we could bring Mia with us (luckily we didn't since it turns out she threw up in her bed and again later) so Adrian stayed behind with her.

I have never taken Mia alone to any of her appointments, I always had Adrian with me so this solo flight was a first. I was a bit scared but knew I had to do it, I wanted to make sure Alex was ok and if he wasn't then we would jump on it as early as possible.

So I got him ready and out the door we went.. alittle late (he needed a "Snack" before we left) I drove him all the way down to Moreno Valley, it has been storming for the past couple of days but luckily the rain stopped for a bit while we were on the road.

We made it to his appointment but thats when I noticed my stomach didn't feel so good. I needed to use the restroom but knew that I couldn't do that and hold him so I had to carry in the big car seat. I am not supposed to be carrying anything heavy due to my surgery but I had no choice. So I was a bit in pain but it was a quest to get there.

He was an ANGEL in the car, didn't cry once... and only cried when I checked him in, but he soon quieted down. The nurses later took us back and we weighed him and hes up to 7.7 lbs now! Past his birth weight YAY! I craddled him in my arms a bit and he fell back to sleep until the doctor arrived.

Him and Mia both have the same doctor so I already knew him. Hes really great with Mia and was great with Alex too. He checked him out and Alex was such a good boy didn't cry or fuss once. The doctor said he was jaundice but no more than "moderate" but blood work needed to be drawn! NOOOOOOOO! He also looked at his belly button since it started to slightly come off yesterday and it looks pretty nasty underneath. He said thats normal and to keep putting alcohol on it. He also said the jaundice could last a couple of months, and if the blood work is fine, there is nothing to be worried about. PHEW!

So after the appointment was over I dressed Alex and off to the lab I went. My stomach was still upset so I had to make a side trip to the bathroom. Poor baby had to sit next to me in the handycap stall while I was sick (I am praying I don't have what Mia has). After that we went down to the lab. That is the only time he started crying out of control... it started in the line to check in.

Poor little guy was so upset they put a "STAT" on his blood work so he could cut in front of everyone. Once we reached the lab person she said I could keep him in his car seat and she could do it from there. I put the car seat up and rubbed his head as they pricked his tiny foot and kept squeezing out more and more blood. He screamed and cried and I tried to console him as best as I could. It seemed like FOREVER before they filled that vial but as soon as they were done and they wrapped up his foot he was quiet again and was ok.

I brought him back to the car and off to home we went. He slept the entire time and once I got home I fed him and hes been asleep for the past 2.5 hours! Unfortunately, like I mentioned once I got home, exhausted mentally, phsyically and emotionally I find out Mia is sick. So we have been dealing with that while Alex sleeps. Not sure how the rest of the day goes all I know is that all I feel like doing is taking Alex and running away!! haha Only because I don't deal with vomit very well and she is like a gyser right now! UGH! Joys of parenthood I guess... I guess I should get used to this...

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