Saturday, October 23, 2010

2 weeks old!

Yep, my little man is 2 weeks old today! He is getting bigger and bigger and changing so much. Though he is still pretty tiny, by my standards, and still hasn't reached Mia's birth weight.. I can still see the slight changes in him.

One of those changes is his eating habits. He is still purely breastfed (he has yet to be supplimented or seen the bottle! WHOOHOO) but his time interval is finally getting longer. He used to be a 2 hour baby but now is a 3-4 hr baby. Mostly 3 but there are a few times that we can stretch him till 4 which helps with Mama's sleep and rest! He is still pretty aggressive at the beginning which HURTS but after he relaxes a bit, things get much better. I also noticed he only likes to feed while hes laying on his right side! Hes been a right side baby ever since he was in my tummy. Thats where he would be 90% of the time, even when he was really tiny. Things haven't changed, he still likes to sleep, eat and rest on his right side.

He is still my little peeing machine and until yesterday I had yet to have a non-pee pee accident day! NICE! I am still trying to find the best technique for diaper changes... still searching on that one haha.

His belly button fell off this week too! Alittle soon I think, but things look good and hes healing pretty well. There are still some traces of it that I am still battling with alcohol, but they are going away fast.

He also got a check up this week due to his jaundice. He also had to have a blood test done which wasn't fun because Mama was all by herself. Luckily the test came back good and I have nothing to worry about. The dr. said it should clear up in a month or two.

Well hes crying now so I am off to do more Mama duties... hopefully I will be able to get SOME sort of rest today... I could really use it! BAD!

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