Friday, October 29, 2010

Alex liked his bath!!!!

Current mood: shocked

If you read the previous blog you would know that Alex had another diaper malfunction incident after the pumpkin patch. He was a mess... literally!!! So I had no choice but to bath him. I wasn't sure how we would react since his first real bath in the tub didn't go so well.

This time, however, he actually enjoyed it!!!! As soon as his little butt hit the water he stopped crying and quieted down. He really enjoyed it this time! I was so shocked I asked Adrian to bring the camera. When he came back, Mia followed him in the bathroom. Once she saw her little brother in her old blue tub she wanted to join him!! I had to literally get Mia to put down her leg because she was trying to climb in!!! haha

Alex did great as I cleaned him and didn't cry once, not until I pulled him out and as soon as the cold hit him he was screaming and crying again.... oh well.

Well now I have hope that maybe... just maybe he will start enjoying his baths now. I just have to find a way to warm him up faster because he HATES being cold.

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