Sunday, May 2, 2010

16 weeks!

Another week has passed by and though my weight is slightly dropping still (182 this morning), my belly is really starting to show. Infact I might have to invest in some maternity pants early since my big fitting jeans are starting to fit snug!

Overall this week has been good. I didn't throw up and I am finding creative ways in dealing with Mia's diaper changes (poopie ones). I usually hold my breath and when I need to breathe I breathe into a clean wipee. Its fresh smelling and unscented and usually helps me get through the diaper changes since Mia won't let me put my shirt over my nose! haha

Well Adrian BBQ'd his famous Carne Asada last weekend and it lasted us all week. I am officially burnt out on meat for now. Hamburgers are bleh and I can do without carne asada. Beans still taste ULTRA good but I still haven't had any new cravings. Sometimes I get an urge to eat something but after I eat it I am ok... nothing re-occuring.

Yep I still get queasy but its getting so much better now. It is still bad in the morning but after a good meal and by the afternoon I am ok. I really need to stay on top of eating because as soon as I get hungry I get sick.

I still get pretty tired during the day and naps always help with that... even if they end up being 20 min cat naps.

Ligament pain!!!!! OMG its starting to really flare up now. I am considering getting another pregnancy belt. Its mostly in the lower part of my abs and rarely does it go into my groin area but it has. It almost feels like I am carrying this little passenger really low and its not helping my lower ligaments.

Another thing that I have been dealing with since the beginning but has started to get worse is gas pain. For some reason sometimes I get like a gas bubble stuck. Its kind of hard to describe it, but its almost like needing to fart (I know pretty graphic but hey we are talking pregnancy here! You wanna read about some fun toddler stuff read Mia's blogs! haha) but anyways its almost like having a fart get stuck in the lower half of your intestines and refuses to budge for hours and hours. Talk about pain!!! At one point I went to bed with the horrible pain, woke up with it and spent most of the afternoon with it until it finally dislodged itself. I was pretty miserable and was almost ready to call the On-Call nurse! Hopefully I won't have to deal with that too much more, but it has been happening more frequently.

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