Sunday, April 25, 2010

15 Weeks!

Happy Sunday! For the most part it is pretty happy for me other than this killer headache! UGH! At least the sickness is really under control... well somewhat. I did throw up a few times yesterday but it was because I was running around doing stuff to fast on a semi-empty stomach. I know I know I was just asking for trouble.

Overall I am feeling much better. I can feel my energy level returning, I am able to eat more stuff and I only get sick if I exert myself or let myself go hungry. Not bad!

Still nothing really new in this department. Nothing crazy or weird, however, Carne Asada is still number one on my list next to beans and rice! haha

MUCH MUCH BETTER!!! HOORAY!!!!!! Though smells still set me off I have to be careful around that. Changing Mia is still proving to be alittle difficult but it is manageable for the most part. Nothing really gets me sick if I eat it other than Salsa for some reason...boooooo! oh and chocolate too.

I felt the baby kick the heck out of my side yesterday! It actually hurt and shocked me!!! I haven't really felt a kick that hard since... I can't wait until I do! Well I say that now, just wait until the baby is bigger and all it wants to do is kick me non-stop just like their big sister did to me! haha

I am showing more and more every week and my belly is finally taking the shape of a pregnant belly instead of one that is full of pie and cake! haha I am still too small for maternity clothes but my current clothes are getting tighter and tighter, especially my jeans! I am still carrying pretty low but I don't mind, I can breathe better when they are not hanging out so high.

I can no longer sleep on my back since I get shortness of breath and become dizzy (very normal during pregnancy) but I can still sleep on my tummy for now. I am getting TONS of heart arithmias too, but I am not to scared about that, I had tons with Mia as well.

My emotional state is starting to act up a bit. I am SOOOO EMOTIONAL!!! waaaay more than I was with Mia. I feel depressed alot and want to cry. Not sure why this pregnancy is hitting me like that but ah well. If it gets any worse I might need to consult my doctor about it. So far its just outbursts and fits of crying. No fun!

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