Monday, May 17, 2010

18 Weeks!

Yep I am officially 18 weeks now! and new stuff to report! Some good some bad and some ... ummm normal? This week was a crazy one for sure. We just got back from Oxnard yesterday after spending the weekend there. It was great to see my family again but the bad pregnancy symptoms did manage to show up there which put a damper on everything. Overall, pumpkin and I are doing great and despite some negative stuff I am still very happy!!!

Still nothing new to report. Though I am noticing I am eating a TON of apples a day! Sometimes I eat two! I am enjoy fresh food more and more, though I still don't have a specific type of craving... well unless you count my obsessive need for fruit Gummys!!! haha oh and "Hot Mama" pickles!

The sickness is pretty much under control unless I eat something bad. I have noticed I cannot take my pre-natals (same with Mia's pregnancy) and even the children's vitamins are now making me sick. Greeeaat! Not really sure what to do about that other than the need to start eating healthier so I get all the nutrition and vitamins I need.

Tiredness has kicked in BAD again. There were a couple of days this week where I was completely unfunctional despite multiple naps. Not sure what is causing that. I thought maybe it was the vitamin thing but not too sure.

Yep its official. I am experiencing the same round ligament pain I did with Mia. Unfortunately for me I am experiencing it so early on I will have to live with it longer. I started to get it around the 8th month with Mia and this week it has been hurting BAD! Sometimes I can barely walk, especially if I am sitting down to long. I am NOT looking forward to how bad this is going to get.

Another concerning thing that is happening is my heart. I have had heart arrhythmias before but they were so EXTREMELY rare. When I got pregnant with Mia they kicked up alot! but not enough to frighten me. I heard it is pretty normal for pregnant girls to experience them. Sure enough after having Mia they practically went away completely. Well they are back and with a vengence! They are happing so often (ever 5-10 mins and sometimes multiple times in a min.) and sometimes they hurt! I decided to finally contact my OB about it and she immediately became concerned. She referred me to get an appointment with my official baby doctor to see if I can get a referral to a Cardiologist from him. Of course that has me worried, not to mention my abnormally low blood pressure (last reading was 98/68). Hopefully it won't be anything serious and they are just taking precautions.

Well now on to happier things. My belly is getting bigger and bigger and I am finally looking like I am truly pregnant instead of just fat! haha Everyone loves to rub my tummy and Adrian even gave it a kiss once! AWWW!!! I am loving it, this is the BEST part of pregnancy by far and I love it! and yep.. I am back into my comfy maternity clothes! I can't wait to buy more!

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