Monday, May 24, 2010

Boy v. Girl

Well tomorrow is the big day! I can't believe my wait is finally over! I am finally going to have the answer to the question that has been haunting me since I first became pregnant.

What will it be? A boy or a girl!? YIKES!

First of all, I just want to say, I would LOVE to have either. As long as the baby is happy, healthy and strong that is all that matters to me. Gender is secondary and I will love this baby with all my heart... I already do!

So now comes the question, Boy V. Girl!

Having a boy would be awesome! It would be the first Grandson on both sides of the family (Cardoso and Pizano), I will have a son, I will be able to experience what its like raising a boy, I will have a little image of my husband running around haha, and Mia will have a brother just like I did growing up.

Having a Girl would be awesome as well!!! She will be my second little princess, I am an old pro at raising and taking care of a little baby girl, I will have another little girl to bond over girly things with, Mia will have a sister to bond with for the rest of her life, we have TONS of girl things already so we won't have to buy much hahaha, and she will have TONS of girl cousins to pal around with.

So you see either way would be cool. Though I have to admit having a boy is a bit more nerve wracking for the simple fact I have ZERO experience with raising baby boys. Heck, I have never even changed a boy diaper before?! and from the horror stories I've heard I better have a shield with me when I do! haha I heard boys are way more energetic and rambuncious than girls and I am not sure if I am really ready for that. Its a bit scary!

When I start to think of things like that I start leaning towards wanting another girl. However, having a girl is no picnic either! What if there is competition between Mia and her sister and they end up hating each other. Raising little girls are easy but FORGET it when they become pre-teens and teenagers and their emotions kick in. Ack I have to worry about boys, make-up, clothes and all the girly things two fold! Its a bit overwhelming to me. So when I start to think about those things I lean towards wanting a boy! haha

So I dunno. Either one I will be fine... God chooses what is best for us and I truly firmly believe that. Whatever he chooses for us I know is the best fit.

So we will see what tomorrow brings?!?!?!!? EEEEK!

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