Thursday, May 20, 2010

Running while Pregnant

For the last couple of days now I have been having lots of tummy pain. Its really weird, its on the upper part of my "baby tummy" and hurts right across it. From the left to the ride side. I am thinking its just my uterus stretching but its really not very comfortable. I am carrying this baby way different than I did with Mia. With Mia, she sat very high and straight out. My belly was like a ball under my shirt. This pregnancy is a bit lower and wider, which is why I think the pain is the way it is. Well with that being said now I can go into what happened to me at 3am.

Ever since I was very young, throughout my teens and now I have always had a problem with Night terrors. For anyone who doesn't know what night terrors are opposed to nightmares, night terrors are worse. Nightmares are bad dreams and once you wake up they are over. Well with night terrors you are suddenly woken up completely terrorifed and your heart feels like its going to jump out of your chest! also most of the, for me at least, you see things you would see in a dream only you have your eyes wide open ie. dark shadowy figures next to my bed, or actually feel something climbing into bed with you and you can feel the bed moving, or sometimes you actually see someone. That causes me to completely panick, granted I am half asleep, and I either end up screaming hysterically, jump out of bed and sometimes even run. There has been been times where I have woken up like that and actually attacked Adrian half asleep!!! So ya they get pretty bad sometimes.

Well I get them alot, mostly when I have been pushing myself too much and am completely exhausted. When I got pregnant with Mia they started happening ALL the time almost every night!!! Then when I got pregnant with this little one they started up regularly again!, however, for the first time in I don't know how many years I went two whole months without one! I was so relieved and happy.

Well last night I had a KING of a night terrors! It happened around 3am this morning. I was sound asleep then suddenly I woke up in a complete panick! I was so terrorfied that I jumped out of bed and literally ran out of my room as fast as I could and ran downstairs and into the guestroom across the house!! Thats when I finally came to my sense and though still having a racing heart, I walked back to my room and went back to bed. However, since I strained myself so bad running and panicking that my baby tummy started hurting REALLY bad. I had such a bad cramp I got scared and thought that I might have to go into the ER. Adrian was still at work. Eventually I laid there trying to relax and it slowly eased up and I eventually fell asleep.

I woke up this morning really tired and my tummy is still sore. Ugh... well now I know I shouldn't be running while pregnant awake or asleep! haha

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