Friday, May 7, 2010

Pumpkin is a fan of Caldo de Papa!

Ever since I got pregnant and really sick my cooking has stopped completely. I would have cravings for certain homemade dishes but the thought of the smell, cooking and the work was just out of the question.

Now that I am finally feeling better, I had the urge to make the Cardoso family's famous Caldo de Papa. (The recipe was handed down to me by Adrian's mom which was handed down from her Mom) I LOVE to make it and it never lasts more than a day since I practically eat the entire pot myself! haha

Well today I finally made some and it was so GOOD! Granted I am a bit out of practice it still hit the spot. So when night came and it was nearing bedtime I was debating on whether I should have 1 last bowl before bed. Just as I finished asking myself that, I immediately became hungry more like.. STARVING!!!! out of nowhere! So I grabbed another bowl, and as I was eating it the baby starting kicking!

I guess the baby really likes Mama's homemade soup if I can only get Mia to eat it! haha

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