Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The First Grandson!!!

We couldn't wait to tell family! The first to know was going to be my Dad since he was at our home with Mia. I have been imagining how I would break the news to him, that after 5 granddaughters he was going to have his grandson. After a few nights of thinking about it, I figured out the perfect plan!

After left the hospital, we went to Von's near our house and bought a Big Blue balloon that said "Its a Boy!" We then called my Dad on our way home. I wanted to make sure Mia was awake because I wanted her to walk into the room holding the balloon. So when I got my dad on the phone I tried to act serious and gloomy. I didn't want to drop any hints about the news we were about to share. My Dad didn't pick up on anything and Mia was up, YAY!

We drove closer to the house, I got more and more excited. Soon we reached the house. Adrian went inside to grab Mia while I got the balloon off the car. He then brought her to the back door while we had my Dad wait in the livingroom. We showed Mia the balloon and I whispered in her ear "You are going to have a baby brother!"

Mia was so excited just to have a balloon. She said "Ooooooh!" then I told her "Go show Grandpa!" so she slowly walked away and went around the corner. My Dad was standing there and soon caught a glimps of the balloon and once we realized the color and what it said he went NUTS!!!! He was so excited! he ran up to Mia and spun her around and gave her a big hug, then hugged me and Adrian. He was so happy.

We celebrated a bit then called my Mom. I put her on speaker phone as we broke the news. She started screaming and was so excited too. She even said that morning she had a dream that we were having a boy! After celebrating with my Mom we called my Brother and Sis-in-law! They were already waiting by the phone and when they picked up we were already on speaker. We joked a bit with them and finally broke the news! They too were shocked and so happy for us.

My Dad then took off the store and when he came back he had a bottle of sparkling cider, a cake, ice cream chips and two little swan flowers representing a boy and girl (our little family) We celebrated a bit more! This whole day has been full of celebrations!! YAY!

Wow!! I still can't believe it myself! I am going to go celebrate some more then crash out, I am so happy but still full of excitement! I can't wait to hit the fabric store and start on my new little blue baby blanket!

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