Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 19!

Whoa I can hardly believe it myself. I am officially half way through my pregnancy!!! I know what you are thinking, you are pregnant for 40 weeks so your 20th week would mark your mid-way point. Well, yes, that is true, however I am opting for another C-Section so my due date is moved up a week. So yes it is correct I am half way through! Wow what a ride this has become!

This week has been filled with TONS of new baby things to report. I felt my first outside kick!, my stomach pains have been increasing however I bought a new fancy maternity belt and that helps a TON with that, and I had the worst night terror ever that causes me to run around.

Tomorrow is the big day though! We will finally know for sure what little Pumpkin is!!! Alittle boy pumpkin or a little girl!! I can hardly wait! I have been waiting for this moment since the very first time I saw that positive pregnancy test! EEEK! Any predictions on my part? Hmm.... it is so hard to tell. Unlike Mia's pregnancy I cannot really determine though mother intuition what I feel. I am shooting for a boy so I think I will stick with that. If its a girl that is great too, just means I have two little princesses to love!! Life is so good right now!

Veggies taste soooo good to me lately. Salads, greens, peas any fresh veggies I can get ahold of. Unfortunately, fast food joints usually don't carry such good greens. Apples are still my favorite fruit right now, but they have to be a tad under ripe and have to be Gala. I do crave lots of salty foods too.

Both have been under control. Though I still get sick if I don't eat enough, it never really ever shows up for no reason anymore. Tiredness... meh its there but only because I still don't sleep well at night. I still get up at least once to use the restroom and finding a comfy position to sleep in is hard too. I am constantly tossing and turning.

New Symptoms:
Like I mentioned earlier I can finally feel Pumpkin kicks on the outside though really rare. Not sure if its because they are still very small or maybe they aren't as active as Mia was. Mia seemed to kick me ALL the time non-stop. This one just likes to hang out and rest. My tummy is growing and I can feel myself getting wider which is hurting alot. I carried Mia high and out and this one is low and wide, so I am feeling many new discomforts I didn't feel with Mia. I have also been getting more headaches lately and those aren't fun. My heart is still fluttering but I have a doctor's appointment for that on Wednesday.

Oh and also, this little baby is just like their big sister in the fact they LOVE to sit on my bladder. Ugh!! I am constantly running to the bathroom thinking I have to use it but turns out its just the baby's position. Fun times ... haha

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